The Book of Job

The Book of Job is the 18th book of the Bible. It is a poetic dialogue set within a prose framework and is noted for its deep exploration of human suffering and the nature of God’s justice. The author of Job is unknown, though the text implies that they were...

The Book of Joel

The Book of Joel is the 29th book of the Bible. It was written around 835-800 BC The book is named after its author, the prophet Joel, whose name means "Yahweh is God." Notable parts of this book include Joel’s vivid descriptions of a locust plague, a call to...

The Book of Jonah

The Book of Jonah is the 32nd book of the Bible. It was written around 793-753 BC. The book is named after its main character and assumed author, Jonah, a prophet who attempts to flee from God’s command to prophesy to the city of Nineveh. After a series of...

The Book of Joshua

The Book of Joshua is the sixth book of the Bible and the first book of the Nevi’im (Prophets) in the Hebrew Bible. It is named after Joshua, the central figure and successor of Moses, who led the Israelites in conquering Canaan. The Book of Joshua is estimated...