Early Life
Cain was the oldest son of Adam and Eve, the first-born of the human race as well as the first murderer. He worked in agriculture. In a fit of jealousy, aroused by the rejection of his own sacrifice and the acceptance of his brother Abel’s, he murdered Abel. As a result, was put in exile by God. (Gen. 4:14)
Life in Exile
Cain settled in the land of Nod, and built a city there, which he named after his son Enoch. His descendants are listed together with the inventions which they created. His family history is detailed in Gen. 4 and he is occasional referenced in the N. T. (Heb. 11:4; I John. 3:12; Jude 11). The narrative in Genesis implies the existence of a considerable population in Cain’s time; because he is afraid that he should be killed in retaliation for the murder he had committed (Gen. 4:14). The family of Adam may have grown greatly before the birth of Seth, this is implied in the notice of Cain’s wife (Gen. 4:17) and the circumstance that none of the other children are noticed by name may be explained on the ground that their lives furnished nothing worthy of mention. His wife must evidently have been one of his sisters (“sons and daughters,** Gen. 5:4)
Death of Cain
The Scriptures do not see the need to give any information about Cain’s death, so any information would be conjecture. There is no indication of the age of Cain or Able during their conflict as well. It is completely possible that Cain and Abel were in their 100s before the murder took place as Seth was not born until Adam was 130 years old.