
Aaron in Egypt Aaron was the great-grandson of Levi (Ex. 6:16-20) the oldest son of Amram and Jochebed from the tribe of Levi. He was the brother of Moses and Miriam, being three years older than the great law-giver (Ex. 6:20; 7:7; Num. 26:59); born probably around...


Abdon, son of Hillel from the tribe of Ephraim, was a minor judge of Israel mentioned in the Book of Judges. His name means “servant” or “worshiper.” The Bible does not provide a specific year of birth or information about his parents, other...


Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve. He was a shepherd by trade and known for his righteousness. (Mat 23:35) He is recorded as offering a sacrifice to God from his flocks that was superior to that of his brother Cain’s sacrifice. (Heb 11:4) Abel’s...


Creation of Adam Adam was the first man, a personal creation of God. Adam (along with Eve) was made in “the likeness of God” on day six of the Creation week. He was the final and greatest work of the creation and was placed in the Garden of Eden....


Andrew the Apostle, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and the brother of Simon Peter. The name Andrew is derived from the Greek name Andreas, which means “manly” or “brave.” Andrew was born circa 5-10 AD in Bethsaida, a town on the...