Who were the Scribes?
After the days of Ezra, focused attention had been given to the study of the law. As time progressed an order of men came about who where became known as the “scribes.” These scribes had the special business of copying, guarding, developing, and expounding the law. As a side effect of their work, careful observance of the law was emphasized and innumerable regulations intended to preserve and apply the law to daily life wrongfully became the standard for one’s righteousness.
Origin of the Scribes
The scribal sect first appeared in the Maccabean age. The Maccabean conflict reveals the existence of a party known as the “Assidaeans” (Hebrew ḥǎṣı̄dhı̄m ), or “pious” ones, opposed to the lax Hellenizing tendencies of the times, and staunch observers of the law. These in the beginning gave brave support to Judas Maccabeus, and doubtless then embraced the best elements of the nation.