Who were the Herodians?
The Herodians were a political group that supported the rule of King Herod the Great and his offspring. They were Jews who embraced Greek culture and lifestyles and supported Rome’s plan to incorporate Greek culture into all the world. Unlike the many other sects at the time they were not a religious group, however, they did support and think highly of the Pharisees.
Jesus and the Herodians
The Gospels record two instances where the Herodians plot against Christ.
In Matthew 22:16-22 (and parallel passage Mark 12:13-17) the Herodians come to Christ attempting to trap Him in His words and sway the public’s opinion of Him. Being strong supporters of the Roman rule and supposing that Christ’s goal is to free the Jews from Roman influence, they ask Him if it is right to pay Rome’s tribute-taxes. To their surprise, Christ answers yes and they leave amazed.
In Mark 3:6, the Herodians are seen plotting alongside the Pharisees in order to kill Jesus after He heals the man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath.