Shamgar, a relatively lesser-known figure in the Bible, was the third judge of Israel, who served during the period of the Judges. His name is of uncertain origin and meaning, but it might be related to an ancient Canaanite word that means “sword.” Shamgar’s birthdate and parental information are not provided in the biblical texts.
Early Life of Shamgar
The Bible provides little information about the early life of Shamgar. His story is found in the Book of Judges, where he is introduced as a deliverer of Israel.
Biblical Timeline
Deliverance of Israel
Shamgar’s most significant accomplishment was delivering Israel from the oppression of the Philistines. According to Judges 3:31, he used an oxgoad, a long pointed stick used to drive cattle, to kill 600 Philistines single-handedly. This act of heroism is the only event attributed to him in the Old Testament.
Inclusion in the Song of Deborah
Shamgar is also mentioned in Judges 5:6, in the Song of Deborah and Barak. The song commemorates the victories of the Israelite leaders, including Shamgar. The verse reads, “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were abandoned; travelers took to winding paths.”
Death of Shamgar
The Bible does not provide any information about Shamgar’s death or the circumstances surrounding it.
Additional Notes
Shamgar is a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, and his story is brief compared to other judges. His victory over the Philistines demonstrated his courage and the power of God working through him to deliver Israel from their enemies.
Name Origin and Significance
Shamgar’s name stands out as it is not of Hebrew origin, which is uncommon for biblical judges. The name is believed to be of Canaanite or Hurrian origin, possibly related to an ancient Canaanite word that means “sword.” This detail may indicate that Shamgar could have been from a mixed or non-Israelite background.
The fact that Shamgar’s name is non-Hebrew adds another layer of intrigue to his story. Despite his potentially non-Israelite heritage, Shamgar was still chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from their enemies, demonstrating God’s ability to work through individuals from diverse backgrounds.